Full Course Microsoft C# Development

Course Overview

Microsoft C# is a Windows programmer go-to language. It’s the preferred language for any desktop or web application that runs on a Windows computer. C# is a part of the ASP.NET framework, so you’ll hear it mentioned along with VB.NET. You have these two language options when you decide to learn Windows platform development. If you prefer C-style language syntax, C# is the direction you should go when learning Windows development.

Course Outline:

Section 1 – Getting Started
Section 2 – Classes and Objects
Section 3 – Working with Objects
Section 4 – Delegates and Events
Section 5 – Windows Programming in C#
Section 6 – Threads
Section 7 – Generics and Collections
Section 8 – File I/O and Streams

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  • ₦ 90,000

  • Delivery Time5 weeks
  • Number of Lesson Sessions (hrs)3 hrs
  • Number of Instructors1 Instructor
    • Full Course

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