Full Course Certified Ethical Hacking

Course Overview

This cybersecurity certification training series covers everything you need to know about becoming an ethical hacker. Students will learn about reconnaissance, protocols, Windows hacking, attacking web technologies, and pen testing wireless networks.

Course Outline:

Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Module 02: Foot Printing and Reconnaissance
Module 03: Scanning Networks
Module 04: Enumeration
Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis
Module 06: System Hacking
Module 07: Malware Threats
Module 08: Sniffing
Module 09: Social Engineering
Module 10: Denial-of-Service
Module 11: Session Hijacking
Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
Module 13: Hacking Web Servers
Module 14: Hacking Web Applications
Module 15: SQL Injection
Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks
Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms
Module 18: IoT and OT Hacking
Module 19: Cloud Computing
Module 20: Cryptography

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  • Delivery Time5 weeks
  • Number of Lesson Sessions (hrs)3 hrs
  • Number of Instructors1 Instructor
    • Full Course

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